Chimbote - Ancash - Peru January 22, 1943.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biochemistry.
University teacher, writer and poet.
Married lady Dani Noemi Alfaro Kuzma, father of three children: Magaly Milagritos Victor Bratzo and Hudson Svranko Unyén Kuzma; and eight grandchildren.
1977: "Evocation Chimbote" Poems.
1979 and 1987: "The Awakening of a Colossus" Monograph.
1984: "Morning Hours" Poems.
1990: "Aunt Sara - The Sarandonga" Story.
1992: "The Return" magical historical novel.
1994: Brief history of the Association Wha Yoi ".
1996: "Vade Mecum: History of the Chavin Region."
1997: "The Legend of Triton and Princess Qori Shonqu" Myth.
1998: "The Colossus: Society - History - Culture"
1999: "Archaeological Monuments in the Province of Saint".
2001: "The sons of the Sun to the viceroyalty in the Chavin Region."
2004: "Ancash and the process of regionalization"
2005: "Geo Ancash."
2006: "The Awakening ofa Colossus - The Encyclopedia of Ancash"
2006: "Anthology of Poetry chimbotana"
2006: "Report to Ancash."
2008: The Association Wha Yoi in history.
2011: "Ancash, a journey through the history - The Encyclopedia of Ancash."
2012: "Pieces of Time", etc.
1986 Regional Award as a consultant on "Breastfeeding" Tracher awarded by the Ministries of Health and Education of Peru Foundation.
1992: Magisterial Laureles Ancash, Ancash the Club - Lima.
1993: Honorary Professor at the National University of Santa.
1994: Honorary Member of the House of Peruvian poet (CADELPO.
1994: Dr. Lit Visa for Diploma No. 298 by the World Academy of Arts and Culture, presented at the XV World Congress of Poets in Taipei (1994);
1994: 33rd International Meeting of Poets in Villa Dolores (Argentina), invited by the poet Oscar Alvarez Guiñazú;
1999: Guest Distinguished Hall of Guerrero during the XIX World Congress of Poets "Octavio Paz" in Acapulco (Mexico);
2000: Medal of the city of Chimbote.
2006: Centenary Medal and Character Age Chimbote, the Provincial Municipality of Saint.
2008: Live Ancash Cultural Heritage by the National Institute of Culture of Ancash.
2008: Master Vallejiano by César Vallejo University - Chimbote.
2010: Palmas Magisterial - Master Degree 2010 by the Ministry of Education of Peru;
2010: Illustrious Son of Nuevo Chimbote District.
2012: Incorporated the Castilian Language Academy in Israel.
2014: Cultural Ancash Palmas by the Ministry of Culture of Ancash.
ICL School Award 2014. Ecocientífica - Mission Earth.
He chaired the organizing committee of two World Encounter of Poets in Peru (CADELPO, 1994 and 2006), founder of the National Institute of Culture of Chimbote (1977), President of the National House of Poet Branch Manager Chimbote, etc.