Professor of English (HAG) , Dept of Humanities & Social Sciences, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826004 India
Profile: Have been teaching English language skills to UG/PG students in a leading technical university for over 35 years and actively involved in research in areas of ELT, ESP/EST, and Indian English Writing. Have published 37 Books, including 14 poetry collections & 11 language related books.
165 research articles and 175 book reviews in journals in India and abroad. He has also been involved in various administrative activities at institutional level with membership of highest bodies.
Besides three books and half-a-dozen theses, over 65 articles have also been published on my poetry.
Current Position:
- Professor of English (1993 – to date) & Head of the Dept of Humanities & Social Sciences (February 1988 – March 2012) at Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India
Past Positions:
--Lecturer (1976-1983); Assistant Professor (1983-1993), Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad,India
--Lecturer in English (1974-1976), Royal Bhutan Polytechnic, Deothang, East Bhutan
--Journalist at The Press Trust of India, New Delhi, 1973 - 1974
--Compilation Officer at District Gazetteers Dept., Govt of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow,1973 -- Lecturer in English, S.P.College of Arts & Commerce, Pulgaon(Wardha), India, 1972
Education :
- Summer School on ESP, University of Aston in Birmingham, UK, 1982
- Ph.D. (English Lit.), Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi, 1976 -1981
- M.A. (English Lit.), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 1970 - 1972
- B. A. Harish Chandra Degree College (Gorakhpur University), 1968 -1970
- Diploma, Russian Language, Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalya,1968 – 1970
Professional Skills/Specialities:
English Language Teaching; English for Science and Technology; Technical Writing; Creative Writing; Indian English Writing, specially poetry; Literature teaching, specially poetry and criticism; / Poet , Critic, Reviewer
37 Books, including 14 poetry collections & 11 language related books; 160 research articles and 170 book reviews.
Personal: Marital status: Married, with one son and one daughter
Dependents: Yes
Nationality: Indian
Telephone: + 9934114395 ; +91 326 2235223 (O); + 91 326 2235323 ®
Websites: www.rksinghpoet.blogspot.in www.collectedpoemsofrksingh.blogspot.com http://www.ismdhanbad.ac.in/depart/hss/faculty.htm#1http://www.indianfaculty.com/Faculty_Biography/Biography4/biography4.html
Profile: http://pennyspoetry.wikia.com/wiki/R.K._Singh