Casella Postale 416
CH – 6962 Viganello ( Svizzera )
Telefax 0041.
e-mail: valerioruberto@universumacademy.eu
web: www.universumacademy.eu
Casella Postale 416
CH - 6962 Viganello (Svizzera)
Fax 0041.
e-mail: valerioruberto@universumacademy.eu
web: www.universumacademy.eu
Valerio Giovanni RUBERTO was born in Scontrone (AQ) but has always lived in Pescara. He has resided in Canton Ticino (Switzerland) since 1980. An extremely eclectic personality, he distinguished himself for his passion for poetry and literature, in fact, he published several poetic and essay collections that earned him more than 250 awards won in several literary competitions in Italy. and abroad of which 9 to Cultural Merit. In 1988 he was awarded, in the Campidoglio, with the title of "Academic of Literature" for having promoted the Italian language and culture in the world. Since 1990 he has been a member of F.U.S.I.E. (Unitary Federation of Italian Press abroad) as a Journalist - Correspondent.
In this capacity, he collaborates with several Italian and Swiss newspapers, publishing articles on cultural and social issues, especially the status of emigrants in the world. It is part of the most prestigious Italian and international academies in various capacities, since 1995 it is part of I.W.A. (International Association of Writers and Artists) based in the United States and W.P.S. (World Poets Society) that includes the most prestigious writers and artists of world renown. His books have been translated into the main European languages and have always had excellent sales and critical success. In 1990 he founded the University Studies Center in Bellinzona (Switzerland), currently called UNIVERSUM ACADEMY SWITZERLAND, to promote the Italian language and culture in the world. Since 1999 he has been the creator and promoter of the "Universum" International Literary Prize, which every year attracts poets and writers from all over the world to Switzerland. Together with his commitment to culture, he works in the social field and in international volunteering, collaborating with several organizations such as UNICEF, Terre Des Homme, Amnesty International. For his constant commitment to the promotion and defense of Human Rights he received, in 1993, "The Silver Olive Tree" by L.I.D.H. (Ligue Interregionale des Troits de Homme "
In 1994 SAI Dimitrij of Russia, the Grand Duke and the Supreme Heir Rector of the Imperial Academy of St. Cyril of Moscow appointed him "Rector Delegate" for Canton Ticino, of the same Academy. In 1990 he enrolled in the ACLI (Christian Workers Italian Associations) that covers all the stages that will lead them to occupy all the positions within this Association: Member of the Citizen Council of Bellinzona, Member of the Cantonal Council of Ticino, Member of the National Council of Switzerland, Member of the European FAI Council (International Acli Federation) Later he was President in the Ticino of ENARS (National Agency of Social Recreation Acli) and of US-Acli (Unione Sportiva Acli), more recently he was member of the Swiss National Council of Patronage of ACLI based in Zurich has also been a member of COM.IT.ES (Italian community of residents abroad) of Bellinz ona, where he served as Chairman of the Committee on Culture. Very active in the Italian community residing in Switzerland, he fought for the right to vote for Italians residing abroad, his support was very important for the establishment of the Italian Museum of Basel, which contains the history of Italian emigration to Switzerland in the last hundred years. .
Since 1980 he is a member of the A.V.I.S. (Italian Association of Blood Donors) Eleonora Section Ganz de San Gallo who awarded him the bronze, silver and gold medals for his constant commitment to donations. In September 2003 he was appointed National Delegate for Switzerland of F.I.D.C.A. Italian Federation of Allied Combatants) Since 2003 he has been a member of A.N.C. (National Police Association) of Pescara and the National Artillery Association - Pescara Section.
Since 2004 he has been the creator and promoter of the prestigious International Prize "Universum Donna", which annually awards Ticino, ten women who have distinguished themselves in all fields of our society. From 1996 to 2002 he attended the CIRMA (International Center for Alternative Medicine Research) to obtain a Master in Reiki. In 2005 he founded in Lugano - Switzerland, the Peace University of the Italian Switzerland of which he is the current president, in order to promote and encourage debate around the issues of peace and nonviolence. In 2007 he began his commitment in the field of humanitarian aid by sending 3 tons of clothing and basic necessities to Georgia, the shipment was made with the help of the Civil Protection of the Lombardy Region and the Georgian Embassy to the Holy See . In 2008 and 2009 there are still two shipments of 2 tons of essential items in Poland, to some parishes in Warsaw.
Libri Pubblicati
1988 Dialogando con Dio ( Poesie )
1990 Pensieri nella Solitudine ( Poesie )
1991 Dialogando con Dio ( R ) ( Poesie )
1992 Destinazione Uomo ( Saggio )
1993 Meteore ( Poesie )
1994 La Speranza ( Poesie )
1995 Lettere mai spedite (Romanzo)
1996 Etica e Politica ( Saggio )
1997 La luce oltre la siepe (Romanzo)
1998 Amore senza fine ( Poesie )
2000 Un amore spezzato ( Poesie )
2003 Incontri Astrali ( Poesie )
2005 Alla fonte dell’amore ( Poesie )
2006 Destini Paralleli ( Romanzo)
2006 La Porta delle Stelle ( Poesie )
2007 Una finestra sul cielo ( Poesie )
2008 Dialoghi notturni ( Poesie )
Opere Scientifiche pubblicate
2002 Introduzione alla riflessologia
2005 Applicazioni della pranoterapia
2007 Guarire con la pranoterapia
2009 La pranoterapia e le malattie tumorali
2011 Gli ultimi sciamani
2013 La pranoterapia e le malattie depressive
2015 In cammino verso la luce
2016 Reiki la forza vitale dell’universo
2017 Le frontiere della nuova medicina alternativa