She was born in the Province of Córdoba, Argentina, based inthe Patagonia Argentina since 1975, in the city of Trelew, Chubut.Desde 2004 been participating in meetings and National, International and World Congresses: Chile, Los Angeles, Paris , Peru, Spain., Mexico.
Has published more than fifteen national anthologies, other international and global and an anthology in English. "No More Silent Cries: ed: Spoken Vizions Entertainment group, St Lois, USA. Participant International Dictionary of Art and Contemporary Culture-Córdoba-Spain. Edited Book: "Face-Faces," He is member of "The Cove Rincon"; Miami-USA, a member of IFLAC - (International Culture Forum Paz headquarters for Patagonia Argentina (and is representative abroad).
BILINGUAL MCA Argentina bilingual-writer is a member ... International Forum Peace from Harmony-Rusia.co-author of the "Magna Carta of the Information Civilization" Russia, Member of World-Poets
Has participated in the Tale of the Week-Tales from the Patagonia-cycle Cultural-La Zubia-España.y World Festival of Poets participant in the Senate of the Republic of France, in 2005, Congress of the World Academy of Art and Culture (WAAC-Unesco) .Publications in English in books and magazines worldwide: Ekaika Rasa-Taiwan, "Poems of the World" magazine-Illinois-USA ..
In Romania -Standart Anthology of Contemporary Poets World-Europe-Asia-America. .
Has received awards and citations for SADE (Argentinos Writers Association) in various parts of the country, 2nd prize at the Eisteddfod crown-Trelew poet-poem-Argentina. located in resort-Playa Immigrant Union-Chubut-Argentina-Junin Medal of Honor Country-Arg entina.Declarada honored guest in Tarapoto-Peru, Peru--Moyabamba illustrious visitor and guest of honor "Meeting Rigoberto Meza Chunges" -Tumbes-Peru.
Universal Peace Ambassador to Argentina Ambassadors Circle Universal dela Paz-Geneva-Switzerland. It is part of the jury of World Poetry Contest I -District Aguas Verdes-Tumbes, Peru.
Member of Remes (Global Network of Writers in Spanish). Deputy President of the Union of Writers Hispano-Argentina .. Member of Honor Art Society Bolivia.-
Vice-Director IFLAC Arg. Member GHA (Global Harmony Association) participates in literary magazines of the web as Ave Traveling, World Cultural Hispano, Blogs Silverio, Leiro poetry, Isla Negra, Different Words, In Figurado..etc..Coorganizadora Sense and International Competition Jury "Peace is at hand" IFLAC Argentina.-09.
Susana Roberts D.Litt Honoris Causa (WAAC) from Budapest-Hungary 2009
email: roberts_susana@hotmail.com
poet, writer, translator.
Trelew- resides in Patagonia Argentina 38 years ago.
Dr. Litt Honoris Causa - WAAC-2009-
Life Member World Academy of Art and Culture-Ca, USA
Vice Dir IFLAC Argentina and South America
President Hipanoamericana Union of Writers Honor
Member World Poets.
Member of Honor Art Society Bolivia
Global Harmony Association Member-Russia
Ambassador "The Love Foundation" tp-Fl-USA
Ambassadrice Universel de la Paix 537-Geneve-Suisse
Member Noosphera Spiritual Ecological World Assembly,
Presidium Member Forum World Spiritual Culture Astana-Kazakhstan.
Member Editor-Spain Various Words and Long Island daily. NYork.
Books: "Faces / Faces" 2005 "Flight of the Bird / The flight 's bird" 2009. "Art and virtue in human evolution / Art and Virtue in human evolution"
1st Prize Interational Poetry Translation Translation Research Centre-China
CRI-China 1st Prize. SADE Numerous Awards and Argentine National level publishers. Guest of Honor in several countries-Acapulco-Peru.Granada
Anthologies World, International and National. Anthologies in English "No More Silent Cries" - Nominated and finalist "Peace Medal Salvador Allende" 2010-Foundation-Chile Salvador Allende.
Radio Interviews World-BsAs, program Lito Cruz-La Plata. Channel 2 San Salvador de Jujuy Granada-Spain-Radio-Tv-Tv Moscow Acapulco-Mexico. Radio Onda Latina-Madrid.Tv Astana.
Participant Several National and World Congresses. Part of Dictionary of Contemporary Literature And Art-Spain.
International Dictionary of Contemporary Poets-Multilingual-China.
Translation of important documents: Global Harmony Association: "Magna Carta of Harmony" - "Treaty of Antinuclear Declaration" and Others Named Hero of Peace by the Global Harmony Association. Translation of poem deposited at the Nobel Peace Institute-Oslo.
Comments and Prologues several World Poets. Publication in newspapers and magazines blogs in Long Island-New York-Miami-Spain-Greece-Turkey-Slovakia-Austria-Liverpool-Kazakhstan-Urbequistan-Turkistan.etc.