City and country of residence Rosario Santa Fe Argentina
-Teacher National Average
- Language and Literature Courses
-Alternate National Endowment for the Arts
-Publications In magazines and newspapers in the country and abroad
Accredited by the Congress of the Spanish Language in Rosario, Buenos Aires media and in several books Rosario.Prólogo
-Coordinator I, II, and III Meeting:
Bridge Mercosur words
Cycle Coordinator Storytellers and Poets: with presentations of the same, in Mar del Plata, Cordoba, Entre Rios, in the Province of Santa in different cities and municipalities and of course in Rosario
Coordinator of bridge books Words I, II, III, IV, V. VI
Awards and Publications in anthologies around the País Argentina
Readings and lectures at the Book Fair of Buenos Aires, San Telmo, Buenos Aires, Cordoba Capital and the province of Córdoba.. Justiniano Posse, Villa Maria, Villa Alende, Inriville.
Mendoza Capital Aimogasta La Rioja, Misiones Eldorado Valley and Aristobulus, in Catamarca Valle Viejo, San Fernando Valley of Catamarca, Ambato and Santa Maria in capital and Monteros Tucuman, Santiago del Estero and Spa Rio Hondo, in Entre Rios, Victoria, in the province of Santa Fe, Cañada de Gómez Avellaneda, Peyrano in Rosario, in the Latin American book Fair
In Uruguay, Punta del Este in Israel in Jerusalem at the Peace Conference 2009
Peace Council of the Foreign Ministry in Buenos Aires Argentina 2008
Publications and paziflac Ifac group
Samples Itinerant: Belgrano gave Bandera, Rosario A poetic look
Participation in marathons Read Foundation
Treasurer Call 100 to continue living and work in conjunction with the storytellers and poets Cycle
Institutional Involvement in World Peace March
Cultural Center Open Air by Municipal Decree 32 551
-Director And editor of the magazine from the Blue Angel No. 1 to 87 month of September 2009
Declared of Cultural Interest by the City Council Decree 24,455
Staff -Book: The man and the word 8th day- Poems
- Staff Book: Lilith After all land-Novel
Distinction for the Women's Day 2005 and 2oo7
Juana Castillo Escobar www.ondalatina.es Poetry reading
1st Prize: gender story- Lions Club of Montevideo Uruguay
All activities are decree Interesting Rosario City Council
Under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Municipality of Rosario
With a Cultural Innovation and the Ministry of Culture of the Province of Santa Fe
With a Cultural Senate of Argentina
GLADYS LOPEZ Pianesi held annually the international anthology Bridge Word X, with authors from Spain, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Uruguay, Mexico, Ecuador and the country is the result of a competition for children and adolescents and another international adult in poetry and fiction genres. In his foreword, the Peruvian writer Carlos Garrido Chalén, World Literature Prize "Andrés Bello" and founding Executive Chairman of Writers' Union Hispanomundial (UHE) says:
"And the poetry and literature, allow the greatest feats, the best gains. To them the words we sometimes crushed by the wind, to define life.
Such that it be a book, is also a door, and being also window door. For a house with doors and windows, interior lights is to clarify the right to say, building a concatenated forward and soul. Home, door, window, poetry, literature, art, then serve the happiness of thinking that may work well for an anxious response humanity. "
The cover illustration of the issue belongs to Liz Kunt, is the resultant of the International Art Competition 2012.
Sponsors and stick: Secretary of State for Culture, Innovation and Ministry of Culture of the Province of Santa Fe, Poets Rosario Rosario City Council, Ministry of Culture and Education of the Municipality of Rosario, Cycle Storytellers and POETAP Spain, Uniletras Colombia, Paziflac International Union World Poets Hispanic Peru.