Marga Mangione, is founder and coordinator of the Literary Group "Almafuerte" (19/12/2003) Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Education of the City of Berazategui.
She is also Delegate for IFLAC in BERAZATEGUI , BUENOS AIRES, where she lives
Some signs in the light path:
2007: Innovative Women in Literature Prize awarded by the Legislature of the Province of Buenos Aires.
2008: Honorary Member of the Society of Arts of Bolivia.
2008: "Matches" for Lifetime Achievement, Awarded by Local TV Show.
2009: GLOBAL ADVISORY Advisor of the Spanish-American Writers Union based in Tumbes, Peru.
2009: Ambassador to Argentina of the Venezuelan Society of International Art, based in Caracas, Venezuela
2010: Consul Berazategui of World Poets Movement based in Valparaiso, Chile.
2010: Honorary Delegate IFLAC (International Forum for Literature and Culture of Peace) in Berazategui.
2010: Prize "Golden Sun" to the path given by the newspaper "The Sun" Quilmes, Buenos Aires.
Signed: Marga Mangione
Address: Rigolleau-14 No. 3461 e / 134 and 135.
1884 - Berazategui
Phone: 4256 - 2120 & 15 - 4430-6368
E-Mail: margamangione@yahoo.com.ar
Blog: http://miscelaneasdemarga.blogspot.com
I was born in Quilmes, on May 23, 1940, but I live for two years in Berazategui.
I attended primary, administration and office, shorthand, typing and computer operator.
I make a living by running properties and am also Artisan woven two needles.
I write from fifteen years but started to publicize my work and competitions, from the year 1996.
I've received since then, over 30 awards in Poetry and Fiction, my works have been published in over 25 anthologies, in local weeklies and magazines.
In 2002, I got the 2nd prize in the IV Contest Poetry and Narrative Editorial Circle of Independent Writers Chacabuco, Province of Buenos Aires, which involved the publication of a book of stories that I titled "Miscellaneous" (Stories to read a rainy afternoon) This book is out.
I have also published a short novel in author's edition, entitled "Sudden Death" has had very good reviews and the remaining copies for sale.
I have taken courses in Literature, Singing, Theatre, Dance (tango and folklore) and Creativity Custom in the workshops of the Ministry of Culture and Education of the City of Berazategui.
I was founder of the Delegation of the SADE Berazategui, Argentina Society of Writers, under the Southern Regional Buenos Aires. I joined the executive committee as treasurer for a year and then quit. Currently this institution does not work in this city.
I coordinated from 2000 to 2004, the Literary Workshop "Almafuerte" the first two years at the headquarters of the Rotary Club of Berazategui and the other two in the Social Club Berazategui.
Founder Member since December 2000 the Group "Minstrels in Freedom" which takes its Literary Cafes at the Museum of Visual Arts "Victor Roverano" under the Directorate of Culture of the Municipality of Quilmes. In September 2005, I submitted my resignation.
I joined the Board of Directors with founders Berazategui House Tango (now on hiatus) holding the position of Press Secretary.
I drove from March 2001 to March 2004, the radio program "Elves Desktop", which spread art and literature, Cristal 98.1 FM every Tuesday at 22 am.
I am the founder and coordinator of "Almafuerte" Group Meetings performing Writers and Literary Cafes sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Education of the City of Berazategui, the last Sunday of each month at 17:30 pm in the Municipal Complex "El Patio "149th Street and 15th Berazategui. We also cultural exchange with other municipalities, book launches, literary contests, etc. etc.
I am a founding partner and member of the Board of CEIBO (Circle of Independent Writers Bonaerenses) with a group of writers and literary cafés coordinators Berazategui, Avellaneda and Quilmes. We're based in the Social Club, Sports and Cultural Alsina street Entre Rios 350 Quilmes Oeste. We have the decree by which the Municipality of Quilmes authorize us to work as a nonprofit institution. And is pending the Legal Entity.
I have withdrawn from some activities because of the death of my eldest son, Gustavo, in September 2002, due to the pain and depression that caused me this trouble. (Someone hit him when he returned to work with his bike It's a long story.) Thankfully, I left two grandchildren: Fiorella and Lisandro.
I have two children, Analia and Gerardo, and a daughter of the heart, Adriana. They gave me four precious grandchildren: Hernán Franco, Martin and Noelia. Being with them is the most wonderful pleasure there. They turn my sorrows into joy and give me strength to keep going.
I keep writing because it's a relief to be able to express what I feel through literature. I love doing it, it's like a ground wire, and keep doing it while you can.
I am planning to publish a book of poetry and working on another novel.
When I get some literary recognition of my work, I feel that they are like "drops of balm to my soul"