• President of Thousand Millennia of Peace and Solidarity Pacifist Associative Movement
• Project Manager Peace Culture of Peace Ecology and Art Foundation
• Founding member of the Board of PEACE Argentina Foreign Ministry and the Council for Peace in Argentina
• Active member of the Peace Council of Argentina
• Chairman of the Committee on International Integration of La Paz
"Council of Women FAEOPAL
• Representative of the International Movement in Argentina Universal Day of Culture
• Member of the Editorial Board of the International Observatory of bad treatment Children
• Director, Cities of Peace, Representing continent south America
• Project leader "Things in Common" A Thousand Peace Millenia counted with the support of - UNICEF
• Author of work on Addictions Violence and Security presented and published by the Chamber of Deputies (1986)
• Author of projects related to art, culture and education for peace
• Author of "Children First, they say the boys and their parents ignore" (1996)
• Author of work on violence prevention presented in N. YorkNova Southearn University did Violent born or made "Violence natura or nurtura? (1998) and presented at the First International Congress on Education Early Mayo (1998) Organized by Nova University in Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
• Organized jointly with the Parliamentary Secretary, Coordination of Culture and Event Management H. Senate of the Parliamentary Assembly of young Senators messengers of peace and various exhibitions of Art, Artistic meetings, seminars, workshops, and conferences related to art and culture peace education since 2000/2011 Organized with the Ministry of International Trade Exterior Relations and Commission "Youth and Integration" -Board Advisory Civil Society (CSC),
- National Directorate of the Antarctic and Peace Ecology and Art Foundation campaign / project Awakening Consciousness for Peace "Thousand Flags for thousand schools" Establishing EMBASSIES PEACE from ANTÁRTIDA to ALASKA I -February 2005
• She has submitted several draft resolutions. Communication and statement in the House of Senators of the Nation
• Co-author of the contest "Creativity for Peace" that articulates the creative talent of plastic, literary, textiles and clothing designers, industrial and graphic artists, photographers, architects and engineers of the countries gives the region with the Idea of Promoting culture of Peace.
• Organized in conjunction with 3rd Millennium Project and the Third Forum
Sector, the meeting for managers and members of NGOs from Argentina
and Mrs. Jetsun Pema, President of the Tibetan Children's Villages (ANT) based in India. on October 11, 2005 in Navarro Viola Foundation.
• Author of several educational projects, artistic, cultural, among them: Parliamentary Assemblies Youth Leadership Messengers of Peace,
• Art Contest -literario "The culture of love Look to the Future"
• "Mil Mil flags for Schools Organizations and Personalities", Water + Culture = Peace, Culture + Water = Life.
• "Cities Committed to Peace" aimed at Municipal Mayors
• "Let the bells ring for Peace", sensitization and awareness campaign "Talking Peace in Peace" campaign / project awareness, awareness and communication
• "Mind water, we protect life that brings the river"
• "Building a Better World" and Building a better world, under the banner of Peace Declared National Interest President's Office of Educational Interest, Ministry of Education's Office of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture of the Nation and sponsored by various national and international agencies
• Bill introduced in the House of Senate on September 4, 2012 and sanctioned as law on January 4, 2013 -Law 26,819 "International Day of Peace and released to raise the flag of Peace"
• His efforts have earned the laudatory critique of various national and international newspapers and magazines as various radio and TV Cable metropolitan
• 2004 – PEACE CROWN Interreligious and International Federation for Peace
• 2004 -Ambassador for Peace .The Interreligious Federation for World Peace
• 2006 - Special Mention -APLA - World Day against discrimination-legislative Journalists Assoc Argentina.
• 2007 Excellence in commitment to culture, peace and education in America - Pan American Round Table -
• Prize 2011. "Jose Hernandez" Foundation Hernandiana and Jose Hernandez
• Athena Award 2012- -BWP South AMNYP
• 2012- appreciation for collaboration and Suicide Prevention path to Argentina and South America - IASP-
• 2012 - Ambassador for peace and security in the world International States Parliament for Safety and Peace
• 2013 - Award FINTECO -Contributed community
• 2013 - Paul Harris