Sheeba Gollapalli comes from a backward class community from Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh in South India who is committed to work for peace, often seek to address social inequalities, promote understanding among diverse groups, and advocate for justice. Her experiences uniquely position her to bridge gaps in society, challenge stereotypes, and foster dialogue that promotes unity. By engaging in community development, education, and activism, they can contribute significantly to peaceful coexistence and social harmony. She is an agent for Sustainable Development Goals and uses SDG's to fight for peace. She is a recent student for Women's Leadership For Peace Fellowship at UNITAR, Geneva. She currently holds position as a Chairperson for iPledge Foundation, a non profit which works for Community Development. |
Worldwide Peace Organization is a group of human beings, mostly writers, educators, philosophers, scholars, academicians and common people, who really want to change reality towards a better future for humankind.
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