TE: 54 11 4737-8141
Address: Tiradentes 1244, Boulogne, CP 1609
Party of San Isidro, Prov. De Buenos Aires Argentina.
E-mail: <mariagiurlani@fibertel.com.ar>
She was born on April 23, 1951, in Buenos Aires in Argentina and lives in the Province of Buenos Aires. She is married, has a daughter and a son who made grandmother of two granddaughters which are its light. Women of Faith, Hope and high principles believes that the power of love and expansion of Unity Consciousness, as well as the freedom and ability of people to progress, constitute one of the fundamental bases for the deployment of the common good, individual and collective peace. Embrace nature and ecology, humanity, the Word and Dialogue, valuing and respecting differences and harmonious, just and fraternal coexistence Universal peace
S he dedicates his life to:
Personal, Social and World Family.
Literary Writing and Education, Art and Culture.
Municipal practices, national and international volunteering.
Argentina pacifist teacher and writer.
Educator at different educational levels. He earned his first title as a champion of a First Promotion, for which he received the Argentina flag with Enthronement Ceremony, being already married with children. His next titles were also obtained with the best marks:
of the Masters in Educational Administration with Honors Scholarship.
Lic. In Educational Administration and Management.
University Coordinator cycle E.G.B.
Professor of Early Childhood Education.
Master Normal Superior.
In the beginning it was mainly played in the Primary and Secondary Level. Finally, between 2002 and 2008, as Associate Professor of Chair, University Level: UNSAM. CUSI Subsede University -Center S.I- www.marin.com.ar. Today University of San Isidro "Dr. Placido Marin "-USI- http://www.usi.edu.ar/.
Expert Values Education and Culture for Peace. Lecturer, panelist, Workshop Member ..
Speaker at meetings of Directors, Region VI EGB -District San Isidro Area 2 April 2006.
Speaker / Panelist in "La Esperanza Education", International Book Fair / 2011 http://www.accioncatolica.org.ar/?p=4027
Award "Volunteering and the Common Good" -proposal Category Art and Culture by Dr. Prof. Emeritus ERNESTO KAHAN- delivered by UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION -UPF-, Argentine Chapter, UN ECOSOC status. (December 2015).
International Prize "Dr. Juan Delgado Celis "Napo delivered by Osvaldo Garcia, Founder and General Coordinator of the Award, the representative in Argentina of COLAPER, -President of the Commission of Ethics, the December 19, 2015.
-Special ESTATE Bicentennial Award, given by the Founder and Coordinator General Osvaldo Garcia Napo, to encourage FIRE-Educators Bicentennial. Book who represented Argentina in the International Book Fair, Frankfurt, Germany. (2010)
AMBASSADOR OF PEACE Foundation -MMP and PE & A: UNESCO 2000- Messengers.
Goodwill Ambassador, UN-UNILETRAS- Letters.
Honorary member active in different NGOs and national and international forums:
Founding member of Mercosur Poets and Storytellers Circle International.
Team member -MMP- Thousand Peace Millenia. UNESCO Courier 2000
Member of the Executive and Editorial ... Council of UN-UNILETRAS- Letters.
Peace Council member of Argentina.
Humanity's Team Member, Team Humanity Argentina.
Honorary Member of IFLAC, Argentina International-Forum for Literature and Culture for Peace.
Honorary Member of WWPO -WorldWide Organization- Peace.
Board member REMES World Network of Writers in Spanish
Member of the Argentina Society of Writers House -S.A.D.E.- Central, pending.
Member of the Board and Coordinator of the International Area, the Circle of Poets of the City of Boulogne Sur Mer, Party of San Isidro, Prov. De Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Member of the Committee on International Integration Responsible Paz, the "Council of Women FAEOPAL" (Forum Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Arab Countries). (2012-2015)
Pacifist writer and poet:
ENCOURAGE THE FIRE-educators of the Bicentennial, Dunken, Buenos Aires, 2010.
EMBRACE Poems and Poetry for Peace, Dunken, Buenos Aires, 2015.
EMBRACE Poems and Proposals for Paz, Editorial Ave Traveling SAS, Colombia, 2015
It also participates in national and international anthologies:
TRAIL OF PEACE (Poems Poets Circle City Boulogne Sur Mer, S. I., Prov. De Buenos Aires), Editions Aql, Argentina 2012 and 2013
ARGENTINE PRINTS -Singing to provinces- (Poems Poets Circle City Boulogne Sur Mer), Editions Aql, Argentina, 2014/2015
THE GREAT DOCTOR OF PEACE - ERNESTO KAHAN-, Maria Cristina Azcona (Editor and Compiler), published by Cook Communication, USA. UU., 2015
WORDS TO THE WORLD (Latin American Cultural Institute), Aries, Argentina, 2016.
to publish in Jordan.
Winners poems -Year 2016
NEW PAGE: Honorable Mention, Latin American Cultural Institute.
BEAT YOUR LITERARY: Honorable Mention, Ibero-American Cultural Institute.
Author and Director of the International Project Management BEATS LITERARY -Poesías By Paz. 2015-2016
General Coordinator of Literary and Artistic Competition "Culture of Love looks to the future" -2011, National Interest, Cultural, Educational and Municipal.
http://certamenlaculturadelamor.blogspot.com.ar/p/difusion-programa-buenas-y santas.html
http://www.poetasboulogne.com.ar/contenidosver.asp?id=9972&cat=Novedades http://www.ivoox.com/se-puede-construir-la-paz-desde-las-letras-audios-mp3_rf_9241704_1 .html
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