THREE POEMS OF PEACE © Gustavo M. Galliano
Nationality: Argentine (Rosario, Santa Fe).
Poet, novelist, professor of Constitutional History Argentina (Faculty of Law, UNR).
Awarded in national and international competitions of poetry and narrative.
He has published with marked success the book of short stories: "La Cita" (Ed Aries, Buenos Aires, Argentina...). Unedited a new book of fiction (A dragon in the aquarium) and a collection of poems (Hidden behind the mist). Both registered.
Participant in numerous national and international literary anthologies. He has published in literary magazines of various countries, being in turn translated into more than ten languages. literary collaborator and columnist in literature and art magazines in Argentina, Canada, Spain, United States, etc.
Designated several times as a juror in literary competitions, both adults and adolescents and children categories. Graced with the choice to prolong international poemarios and the historical book of the 125th anniversary of the founding of his hometown (Gödeken) .-
- Founding Member of the United Nations -Bogotá, COLOMBIA Letters.
- World Ambassador of the Word and member of the Museum of the Word - Toledo, SPAIN.
Universal Peace Ambassador, - Universal Cercle des Ambassadeurs de la Paix - SUISSE / FRANCE -
- Member of Honor and Correspondent in Argentina of ASOLAPO- SPAIN.
- Honorary Member of ASOLAPO - Argentina.
- Member of the Global Network of Writers in Spanish (REMES).
-member Of the Movement poets of the world.
-member Of Hispanic World Writers Union (UHE).
- Permanent Collaborator of the magazine Long Island A Day New York, USA (LIA ALDIA).