She is a professor, researcher and specialist in literary criticism Afroamericanistica
Over the past six years he has worked on a project about the culture, history and Afro-Argentine literature, in order to seek this ethnic group that has been displaced on the map of your country. Bolli says that to perform this task had to go through several communities to find where they were housed.
This group is based in various locations in Argentina, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, Entre Rios, Rio Black, among others, and when it came many showed resistance and fear to speak. He finally met its objective to investigate and learn the history of blacks in his country. Points, who came from Africa as slaves, others passed through Portugal and Spain and finally by Argentina to regain their freedom. For example Doña Poland, one Afro-Argentine Don Nieves nearly a century old, the son of slaves. Among others.
The great challenge for the teacher was to demonstrate that in Argentina there are blacks, but mostly this group thought had gone extinct. Following this published his book ARE BLACK AND ARGENTINE in Spanish and English, a job made based on painstaking research. There is history and today's reality.
In August 2008, the television network CNN in Spanish, interviewed him at the World Panorama program to address "being black in the Americas" in tribute to the death of Luther King. This program was broadcast from Washington and Laura worldwide Bolli Argentina was the only researcher who was invited.
His articles relating to this ethnic group, have been published for several universities in the Southern Cone and Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Eastern Republic of Uruguay. He has also participated in the First Days of History, International Symposia bringing their experiences. It also gives lectures at various colleges and universities on the subject.
This study simplifies the equality of all human beings and mutual respect between people. Bolli said that this award would be dedicated to all black people to have the place they deserve in the society.
This work was developed in Argentina and Latin America.
Bolli claimed his work and rescued an ethnicity.
The application is submitted by:
Edward Miller Jr. PHD. Professor Calvin College (MICHIGAN)
Ramón Luis Comte. Good Ad Director Radio station 95.7 FM bishopric Gualeguaychú - Argentina. Vice President of ARCA.
Coty Calivari. writer Argentina