She was born in Montevideo on October 2, 1964, Uruguay
Registered in the Argentine Republic since 1985.
CI. 1899667-9 (Uruguay) - DNI 92 545 241 Argentina
e.mails. abraceveronica@gmail.com - veronicab42@hotmail.com
Facebook. Veronica Bianchi
Editor, writer, proofreader.
Graphic designer, worked in publishing houses and printing presses in Uruguay and Argentina.
Sales and Marketing Consultant
In 1995 - 1996 he edited with Bianchi Editores the first and second poetry samples of the Río de la Plata with more than 100 authors from Argentina and Uruguay.
2002. He founded the Costa News monthly in Ciudad de la Costa, Canelones, Uruguay. The one who led for 6 consecutive years.
2004. He founded the cultural magazine Aprender en la Costa, (free distribution).
Account executive of Diario Clarín (Revista Viva, Argentine publication of great national circulation)
Graphic designer in Graffiti Cultural Magazine and Leisure Guide. (Uruguay)
In 2011, aBracecultura organizes and collaborates with Letras Uruguayas for 14 years at the Club Español de Montevideo.
For two years he participated in the activities carried out at the House of Writers of Montevideo. He installed with his father the writer Roberto Bianchi a free library in the premises of Mercado San José, Uruguay.
Coordinates, designs and distributes collective poetry collages, gathering more than 200 poets with the purpose of crossing borders united by poetry and solidarity commitment.
Participate in Congresses and Meetings of writers and poets of the country and of foreigners. Coordinate cultural programs.
Presents and invites to participate in collective cultural works in the Ministry of Culture of Jujuy (Argentina), obtaining great repercussion in practically all the provinces of the country.
Designer of more than 60 titles of national and foreign authors, in prose, narrative and children's stories. Edit videos
He participated in the Book Fair of Montevideo and Buenos Aires.
Distinguished (2015) with the Arcos de Córdoba for their contribution to the culture in the region. Prize that he received for the second year on November 12, 2016.
Since 2015, she has been Co-Director of aBrace Editora Internacional. Directs a Brace Culture in Cordoba, Argentina.
Designates aBrace Representatives in El Salvador, Uruguay and Argentina.
Receives the Destaque Victoria Award (December 2016 and in 2017) in Montevideo Uruguay. For the importance of his work, the contribution of his work to the cultural community of the region.
Nominated to receive in April 2017 the SANTA CECILIA AWARD, INTERNATIONAL AWARD, as a Poet, Producer, Cultural Manager,
Receives invitation from the Grecam Culturale Association of Italy, participating in the event that took place in Rome in April 2017. "With the intention not only to continue to witness and spread the human, social and artistic value of poetry, but for its long trajectory of creation, contacts and dissemination carried out ".
Directs, coordinates and edits CIEN POETS FOR PEACE, printed anthology and CD with recited and musical poems. Anthology that in 2017 brought together CIEN poets from Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, El Salvador, Brazil, Italy, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay and Spain.
This was presented in South America in the framework of the Fip, poetry in the world for peace. (May 2017) and in Italy in the framework of the international poetry demonstration "Un solo Mar y la palabra", Rome and Turin from April 28 to May 8.
Both the anthology and the poet Verónica Bianchi has received official Resolution and Diploma of honor due to the quality of the work awarded by the Cajamarca Identity and Culture Association of Peru. The work receives Declaration of Cultural, Legislative and Municipal Interest in the Argentine Republic and in Uruguay.