Bhuwan Thapaliya is a poet writing in English from Kathmandu, Nepal. He works
as an economist and is the author of four poetry collections.
His writing is imbued with the art and culture of Nepal that he grew up with but
he is eminently qualified as an Oriental and as an Occidental poet, for his poetry
truly represents a marriage between the traditions of East and West, and in a way
that is immediately appealing and cohesive. He is not just a poet; he is a man with
a mission, seeking world peace. He is a prolific poet and is writing his own Everest,
but his writing is not only about statistics. It is about spreading the message of
global peace, universal solidarity and love.
His poems and articles have been widely published in journals and periodicals
such as Kritya, Foundling Review, FOLLY, Trouvaille Review, Pendemics Literary
Journal, Pandemic Magazine, The Poet, Valient Scribe, Strong Verse, Jerry Jazz
Musician, Countercurrents.org, Ponder Savant, Mindful of Poetry – Page for
Africa, asianamericanpoetry.com, Poetseers, International Times, Taj Mahal
Review, Poetry Life and Times, VOICES( Education Project), Longfellow Literary
Project, Poets Against the War, Mahmag.org( Magazine of arts and
humanities),InnerVisions by Jay, The Sound of Poetry Review, The Kashmir Pulse,
Publiknama, Ibex Press Year's Best Magazine, rave utopia, The Camel Saloon,
STREET VOICE #5, Merak Magazine among many others.
His poems have been published in the CD’s and anthologies such as The New
Pleiades Anthology of Poetry (ISBN 1- 878431-52- 8) , Tonight: An Anthology of
World Love Poetry (The Poets Printery, East London, South Africa,2008, pp.118,
Paperback, ISBN 0-620-41372-7), The Strand Book of International Poets 2010 (
Strand Publishing UK, April 30, 2010, ISBN: 9781907340062), Of Nepalese Clay(
Issue No. 20, October 2013), 2020 SPECIAL EDITION: CHRISTMAS - A collection of
poetry about Christmas, from poets around the world(UK, 2020, 278 pages, ISBN -
13: 979-8564859837), Pratik: A Magazine of Contemporary Writing( Spring 2018
Issue ), The Criterion( An International Journal in English. June 2014 Vol 5, Issue -
3), Haiku of the Present ( January 1, 2011, Paperback, ISBN -13: 978-8190381291,
Rochak Publishing) among many others.
Thapaliya has read his poetry and attended seminars in venues around the world,
including South Korea, India, the United States, Thailand, Cambodia, and Nepal.