Biographical information for Harold W. Becker
Author of
Internal Power: Seven Doorways to Self Discovery,
Unconditional Love - An Unlimited Way of Being,
Unconditional Love Is... Appreciating Aspects of Life
Inspiring Unconditional Love - Reflections from the Heart
Inspiring Unconditional Love 2 - More Reflections from the Heart
& Unconditional Love – A Guide to Personal Freedom (video),
Harold W. Becker has dedicated his life to living and sharing the practical application of unconditional love. Since 1990, his consulting company, Internal Insights, has had its focus to "empower people through self awareness and unconditional love." In 2000 he founded the globally recognized non-profit, The Love Foundation, Inc., with the intent to "inspire people to love unconditionally." He blends incredible insight and intuition with humor, compassion and kindness for a strong inspirational and motivational vision in all of his endeavors which also include business, writing, speaking and personal guidance.
Harold's success and powerful understanding about life is evident in his collective published work including, Internal Power: Seven Doorways To Self Discovery, (White Fire 2008/New World Library 1993), Unconditional Love – An Unlimited Way of Being (White Fire 2007) Unconditional Love Is... Appreciating Aspects of Life, (White Fire 2010) Inspiring Unconditional Love – Reflections from the Heart (White Fire 2010) Inspiring Unconditional Love 2 – More Reflections from the Heart (White Fire 2011)and a national PBS special entitled, Unconditional Love - A Guide to Personal Freedom (1997, DVD 2007) along with other articles and short stories.
In his continuing desire to touch the world with a message of love, he founded Global Love Day, an annual international celebration of humanity held each May 1st. This yearly event has brought the recognition of universal understandings and the transcendent power of unconditional love to a global audience including individuals, groups, organizations and political leaders.
Harold's exceptional awareness of life comes from his enduring commitment to helping others. After his mother was diagnosed with cancer in 1985, Harold devoted much of his spare time working with cancer patients and their families and began to investigate the many meanings and understandings of life. (She continues to be a cancer survivor, having combined his techniques and traditional treatment.) He has volunteered thousands of hours to assist people through their often devastating personal traumas and happily shares his wisdom and understanding with anyone who asks.
A remarkable, self-motivating achiever, Harold worked his way through college in management positions including banking, finance and retail and earned his MBA by age 25. His natural talent in the business field earned him high praise and respect by all involved. In a bold move, he left a management position in the banking industry to realize his dream, based on the premise that we all have the internal power to live life freely and joyfully.
Harold W. Becker has pursued a life of service, personal growth, and unconditional love and always searches for the highest and best out of every personal experience. From his enriching and educational workshops, TV and radio interviews, numerous public appearances, post prison/ addiction outreach program, and community leadership roles, Harold's forthright approach conveys his message directly with the confidence and power of one who knows love.