Ammar Banni is a Professor of education and coordinator: Ahmed Arbia College-El oued/ Algeria, Psyco-educational institute and Technological Institute of Education, previously.
List of awards or recognition given for the nominee's writing: IFLAC PEACE AMBASSADOR in France for 2013,
"Valentine Peace Project from International World Peace"/2010 by: World Peace Rose Garden in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, http://www.valentinepeaceproject.org/news/1-latest/338-atlanta-peace-gardens
Universal Ambassador for Peace (Geneva, France) /2008 (Circle of universal Ambassadors for Peace: Geneva and
"Honorary Poet of Peace from Harmony for 2008:By Global Harmony Association /St Petersburg Russia
July 2004: "New theories of education fo youngs "Atlanta "/ USA
-July 2006: designated Universal Ambassador for peace by Le Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix , Switzerland and France.
-November 2006: Creation of collaborative platform of education. National Institute of Telecommunications: Paris / FRANCE -
July 2008: "The bridge between education and human relations ".Quebec / Canada
-October 2010: ""Ethno-Culture of Mankind a Resource for a Noosphere Civilization"" Astana / Kazakhstan
-September 2011: "Education is a source of peace 's peoples" Caldas University / Colombia
-July 2012: "The cultural dimension of education": Durban South Africa.)
Co-author of a work of academic research "The role of education s in the installation of Peace"
Coauthor « About Peace and Peacemaking » Cook Communications.