"I was born in Mayagüez Puerto Rico (PR), on March 27, 1954. My mother Gladys V Lopez Chabrier was a librarian and my dad Pedro J Padin was a surgical tech. I was raised in New York City and studied in St Anselms Catholic School with Irish nuns. When I arrived to PR I studied in a Free School of Music, which included musical program and academics. I also went to a beaux arts private school in PR on an after school program. I studied voice lessons, violin, ballet, drama and pantomime, jazz and folk in these schools.
After this I went to University of PR and studied education, becoming a French professor.I have a BA education in French and English minor, also a licensee of the Dept Instruction for teaching. I continued after graduating my studies in translation at the University.I also went to study art at the Art League in San Juan and had private art professors and took courses at the University of Plastic Arts. Recently I went to Japanese Boogie School to study Sumie, ink art at Valencia.
I am married to Dr. Daniel Altschuler, Physics professor at the University. I have two children Manuel, BA in Biology, also poet and a daughter Estela, BA in business and accountant.I have worked as a ticket agent at the airport in PR, public Relations at the Aliance Francaise, communications and media, publishing articles and radio producing and hosting programs www.radioatenas.com, WMNT Radio Atenas 1500 am. I have taught in local high schools and colleges, French, English and Spanish. I also translated for various companies. I wrote two musicals that were on stage during 1990 and1992 in theaters in San Juan, Institute of Culture and Interamerican University Theater. I have given talks, workshops for teachers, recitals, made book presentations and sang in theaters and special cultural events.
I have also done volunteer work with battered women and mistreated children, including teen pregnant girls that live with the nuns. At present I am a full artist and poet, having exhibits and poetry throughout the world and still performing in local media.
I am fully trilingual, English and Spanish and French. Plus I have studied speak and write German, Italian and some Arabic."
About Celia:
She just published her first indri so (poem) in Arabic in an Anthology in Brazil this year. Most of her poems are written originally in English, Spanish or French. She is actually the host and producer of "Cita con las Artes" (A Date with The Arts) on WMNT Radio Atenas, Manatí 1500 or www.radioatenas.com (live show) every Thursday from 4:00 to 5:00P.m. For during seven years I produced a French Radio Program, France Chez-Vous (French at your home), with French music and Culture. You can read her poetry in more than 17 Lord Byron editions published by Leo Zelada "Antología Nueva Poesía Hispanoamericana", as well as "Antología Multilingüe Letras de Babel", in Uruguay Abrace Edition,"Antología Hispano-árabe", "Páginas Latinas", in Algeria, "Shabbdagucha", in India and also in New York, "Journey" in South Africa, "Peace on Earth" in Japan,"Antología de Indrisos" in Brazil, "Anthologie Les Cahiers de Poesie" , France and in some internet sites for literature and some cultural Magazines as Epikara by Takis Ionides (Greece), L'Assaba (TheMorning)Journal d'Algerie, Destine literaire, Canada et Rumanie and also some Web Sites as www.agonia.com, www.poetasdelmundo.com, www.epars.com. Her poems have been translated into Bengali, Greek, Japanese, Chinese, Rumanian, and Arabic. Her book "Gaviota del Caribe", was translated into Arabic, (Caribbean Seagull). It has brought her this nickname among peers and literary critics. Some book covers of poetry are dressed with her paintings in Algeria, India, USA, PR, Spain, Brazil, Uruguay, Greece. Her art work has been exhibited in various countries through the world, EU, Mexico, Spain, Japan, Puerto Rico, Turkey and Japan. Some of them remain in local Museums in PR, at Eugenio Maria de Hostos Museum in Mayagüez, and René Marquéz in Arecibo as part of their collection, also in Tokio University and Nagasaki Museum.
Awards and distinctions
She was awarded first prize in poetry by the Arts and Sciences Academy in Puerto Rico in 2010. on some local magazines as "Business PR" and also "Arecibo Es" you can read some of her articles on travel and culture. In 2011 she was nominated and selected among the best 75 artists in the island by "Caras Magazine" in San Juan, PR. In 2012 she was awarded a third prize in Europoèsie in Paris.
Now she is:
Member of International Writers and Artists Association Ohio, USA
Member of the World Congress of Poetry
Member of Manatí Artists Association
Member of IFLAC International Literary Peace Culture Forum
Member of "Coalición de Artistas de Puerto Rico"
Member of "Asociación de Pintores de Manatí"
Lady of Culture and Adoptive daughter of Manati, PR
Advisor of Club UNESCO PR since 2012
Member of IFLAC International Literary Forum for Peace Culture
Member of Poetas del Mundo( Chile)
Chosen one of the most acknowledged artists in PR "Caras" Magazine , San Juan
First award in Poetry Contest 2010 Academy of Arts, Sciencesof PR
Second award Poetry Contest in Politécnica University in May 2012
Third award in Poetry Contest in Europoèsie in Paris 2012, Paris, France
Finalist Contest in Toledo Spain, 2012
Delegate of "Uniletras" Naciones Unidas de las Letras, Colombia
Ambassadeur for Peace and Culture in PR for the "Cercle des Ambassadeurs de la Paix et la Culture, Suisse et France (Colaborator , translator and editor for thetwothe organizations above)
Member for the Academy of Arts, Literature and Sciences, Paris, France 2012
Member of the Academy of Arts Sciences and Technologies in Valencia Spain 2012
Member of Europoesie Paris, France
Resident at "Récollets des Résidence des Artists Internationales" in Paris 2012
Artistic Studies at Bugei School, Sumie (ink oriental Art) Japanese School in Valencia, Spain
Artistic studies at University of PR, Art Dept, Prof, Carola Vega
Art League (Liga de Arte in San Juan PR)Artist
My elective courses were on Business Administration, Intensive German, Intensive Italian and Courses at the Art Dept.
I have taught students at different levels from elementary to college and even business school. I have translated from Spanish to English, Spanish to French, French to Spanish. I have translated for different Companies and Language Schools and organizations and also poets. I have experience and additional studies as a Ticket Agent Airport Aviation Services, Horticultureand Beaux Arts School,, Dance, voice lessons and musical instruments (violin, quarto). I worked at the Alliance Française of PR as Public Relation Person for several years and taught dance for 12 years to women and girls.
I actually continue singing for social purposes.
I volunteered at Julia de Burgos, Home for Battered Women rendering services as an educator, special program for school examination and diploma from 1983. I also worked at St Euphrasy home for pregnant teens as an educational art teacher 2008.