Dr. Fco. Xavier Ramírez S. CV
(Mexico, D.F. 1943) Mexican historian and biographer, is currently General Director of Editorial Sagitario, founded in 1996 in the port of Acapulco, Gro. Mexico exclusively for the promotion of new literary values, President of the Academic Society of Ibero-American Historians and President Emeritus of the Latin American Academy of Modern Literature.
He has promoted and financed more than two hundred Ibero-American writers. His personal literary production now reaches 35 works. He is the initiator of the Financing Program for Ibero-American Writers. It also coordinates the Ibero-American Encyclopedia of Historiographical Work, whose first two volumes appeared in August 2009 and in which the work of ten researchers belonging to the Academic Society of Historians stands out. He was President of the Mexican Academy of Modern Literature from 2000 to 2011. He is currently General Coordinator of this World Writers Directory
It began in 1963 in Mexican journalism, where it reached the management of two newspapers -El Correo de México and La Crónica- several national magazines, the Latin American News Agency LATINOT, the Management of the Pacific Zone of Editorial Corporation, and the Regional Management for the Southeast of Notimex. He was President of the National Society of Mexican Journalists and Writers and member of the National Association of Journalists, A.C .; the Journalists Club; the College of Journalists; the Inter-American Press Association and the National Union of Press Editors.
He is founder of the Academic Society of Historians; the Mexican Society of Collectors in Old Books and Editorial Sagittarius, an organization that started its functions in 1996 associated with three other writers, with the predetermined purpose of promoting and financing new values of literature. In 1999 he was appointed Academic Coordinator of the World Academy of Modern Literature and, at the beginning of 2000, he was commissioned to form the Mexican Academy of Modern Literature as a Latin American pilot project.
He has the status of researcher and historian before the Archivo General de Indias since 2005; the General Archive of the Nation since 1989, with renewal in 2004; the History Group of Mexico -H-Mexico- of the UNAM since 2006; Spanish Archives on the Web since 2005; and recently before the National Heritage of the Royal Library and the Cervantes Virtual Library of the University of Alicante. As of June 2009, he is part of the Professional Network of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History, a specialized organization of the Organization of American States, and a Master of Master Researchers of the Organization of Ibero-American States.
He has a degree in Law, has three Masters in Marketing and Virtual Design, and achieved Doctorates in Literature and History. In 2016 he received the World Literary Excellence Award and the World Cultural Excellence Award, from the Hispanic Writers' Union, which appointed him Delegate in North America and President of the UHE in Mexico; likewise, the Golden Pen, the highest award given by the International Association of Hispanic Poets and Writers, an organization that gave him the rank of Ambassador of Peace in Mexico. It has another 25 International Awards and Recognitions.
The Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix, based in Geneva, Switzerland, and Paris, France, granted him the rank of Ambassador of Peace in 2014, among other no less important distinctions.