He was born in Tarija (Bolivia) on June 17, 1945
-Medical Surgeon. Poet. Writer. Historian.
Primary and secondary-studies: College "La Salle"
-Studies University: National University of La Plata Argentina
-Specialization, General Surgery: La Paz, Salta, Buenos Aires, Rome.
-Ex - Professor at the University Juan Miguel Saracho of Tarija and San Francisco Javier. Chuquisaca
-Member of the "International College of Surgeons"
Academician of number "Bolivian Academy of Surgery"
Academician of number "Bolivian Academy of History of Medicine"
IFLAC .BOLIVIA-Director-delegate
-Member Of the Circle of Artists and Writers of Tarija
-Member Of the Union of Writers and Artists of Tarija.
Vice president of the Circle of Artists and Writers of Tarija.
-Member Of the "Society of Writers of Bolivia.
-Member Of the PEN Club International.
-Ex - President of PEN Club-Subsidiary Tarija (1996-98), (l998-2000)
-Ex - President of the National Executive Committee of the Society of Writers of Bolivia (SODESBO), 1997-2000.
-Secretary Of International Relations at the Writers Bolivia (2000-2002) (2002-2004) (2009-2011)
Vice-President of the Bolivian Committee of Children's Literature
.Presidente IBBY "Southern Cross" - Tarija
-President Of the Alliance Française de Tarija (1980-1995)
-President Of the Board of Scientific-Cultural Institution "Sow"
-Curador Of I, II, III, IV and VI International Book Fairs - Tarija - Bolivia
-Cónsul In Tarija World Organization "POETS OF THE WORLD"
-Ambassador In Bolivia of the Venezuelan Society of International Art.
-President Of the American Association of Writers (ASOLAPO) Subsidiary Bolivia
-Member Of SELAE
-representative In Bolivia of a-Brace Uruguay. Brazil
-Ambassador In Bolivia of the Venezuelan Society of International Art.
-Member Of the International Committee of the "XII International Poetry Festival of Havana" - Cuba
-representative In Bolivia the "XXXII World Congress of Poets" - Israel - 2012
-representative In Bolivia the "Second World Congress of Writers and Artists" - Venezuela -2013
-Member Of the Board of the "XXXII World Congress of Poets" as AMBASSADOR BOLIVIA, Israel, 2012.
-representative In Bolivia the "XXXIV World Congress of Poets" - Lima, Peru - 2014
-President Of "VIII Ordinary Congress" Society of Writers of Bolivia - X 2013
-Secretary Of International Relations Society of Writers of Bolivia - 2013 -2015
-representative Of Bolivia for creating the institution LETTERS OF MERCOSUR - X 2013
Special -Guest to present his work at the Salon du Livre in Paris - III 2011
-Guest Special Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) to present their work and dictate Conferences - Mexico DF III 2014.
It -Asistió as Special Guest to present their work and dictate national and international conferences Literary Events, Latin America, Europe and Middle East.
-Second Prize for Poetry: National University of La Plata (1963) Argentina
-First Prize for Poetry: Latin American Poetry Contest "Givré Foundation" (1989) - Buenos Aires-Argentina.
-First Prize for Poetry International Poetry Competition "40 Years of Lionism in Uruguay" - Ministry of Education and Culture - Montevideo Uruguay 1991.
-First Prize for Poetry: Poetry Competition National University "Tomas Frias" in Potosi 1977.
-Grand Prix Solenzara of Poesie 2011- Institut Culturel de Solezara, corresponding to the Sorbonne University in Paris.
- "International Person of the Year 2013" - "Latin American Association of Poets, Writers and Artists" - Buenos Aires - Argentina X 2013.
Published Works:
• "ALFA" - Poetry - 1987
• "DOUBT" - Essay - 1993 - 2008
• "XANADÚ" - Poetry - 2003
• "NO TIME STORIES" - Stories - 2003
• "HISTORICAL PRESENCE OF TARIJA" - Historical Essay - 2004
• "TERULIA YOUR BLASÓN" - Poems - Version Spanish-French - 2010
• "Tertulia YOUR BLASON" - Poems -Version Spanish-Italian - 2010
• "HISTOIRES intemporelles" - Contes - Yvelinedition - Paris - 2011
• "COMPLICATIONS chagasic megacolon" - Clinical surgically 1997
• "SHALOM" - Poetry - 2011
• POT ANGELUS "- Poetry - 2013
Recorded Works in CD
• "ALPHA A XANADÚ" - Recording with the author's voice - 2008
Works by Post:
• "SIMPLE" - Poetry
• "HISTORY OF SURGERY TARIJA" - Historical Sketches
• "MEMOIRS OF A RIVER" - Stories
His literary works have been translated into French, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Arabic.
The literary works of Torrejón Jurado, have been published in newspapers and literary supplements of Tarija, La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro, Santa Cruz and Sucre. Also in Salta and Buenos Aires and Mexico.
The magazine "archipelago" of Mexico, in number 53, published his essay: "The Vision of Culture from the Letters", October 2006. "Vallejo and his Golgotha in the Eiffel Tower", March 2011
The magazine "La Avispa" Mar del Plata-Argentina, published in December 2006 his work "Reminder of Pablo Neruda"
His literary works have been translated into French, Italian, Portuguese, English, Polish and Arabic ..
The prefaces of his books:
"Alfa" by Yolanda Bedregal.
"Xanadu" by Julio de la Vega
"Timeless Stories" by Mariano Baptista Gumucio
"Historical Presence of Tarija" by Edgar Avila Echazú
"Tertulia your Blazon" by Luis Arias Manzo.
"Shalom" by Ernesto Kahan
"Angelus pot" by Jorge Ruiz (Coco Manto)
Postal: Box No. 442 - Tarija Bolivia
Phone: (591) -04-6642134- 6642724- (0591) -4- 71861058-72945257
Email: edmundot@cosett.com.bo
WEB pages:
http://www.artepoetica.net/Edmundo htm
http // www.poetasdelmundo.com