Karina Galvez (Guayaquil, July 7, 1964) is an Ecuadorian poet. Since 1985 resides in California, United States.
Some of her poems have received prizes or mentions of honor.
She is also songwriter and has written poems, nursery rhymes and short stories for children.
Her knowledge of Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese allowed her to represent Ecuador and share their poetry in several countries and several languages
She was one of the pioneers of the Ecuatorian-American Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles
She is a national trainer in disasters for the American Red Cross of Orange County, California; member of the Catholic ministry of visits to prisons; member DMATCA-1 and communitarian activist.
In October 2008 was part of the Ecuatorian delegation invited by the Vatican ceremony Canonization of Narcisa de Jesus Martillo Moran officiated by Pope Benedict XVI. In August 2010 he represented Ecuador at the First World Congress of Poetry Hispano, led place in Tijuana, Mexico.10
You can find some of her poems printed in several Spanish-American anthologies of poetry and fiction published in Spain, Mexico, Chile and Argentina.
She has also been recognized with the Condor de Cristal, the highest honor given to Ecuadorian protruding out national border in the event known as "Ecuadorian Achievement Awards" .
Karina Galvez was interviewed by Cristina Aceves KMEX-DT Univision in the "Los Angeles Al Día", , and shared his poetry in Los KTNQ Radio angels in the live show "the Revealed"
It is one of the exponents of the new Ecuatorian poetry and resurgent Latin American poetry. In 2011, he was nominated for the Medal International Peace and Culture "President Salvador Allende", organized by Foundation Salvador Allende in Chiloé, Chile.
In her poetry recitals, Gálvez looks Guayaquil colonial costumes and dressed in the colors of the flag de Ecuador. One of their costumes on display at the Museum of Popular Music from Guayaquil Julio Jaramillo, in Las Penas, Guayaquil, as attire "Carmen" dummy colonial.
Although her poetry is mainly romantic poems Gálvez surprises with acute perception of social issues like abortion and lack of tolerance, and poetry of profound historical content, as her poem "La Batalla del Pichincha" and "Independence of Guayaquil" .