Strategies for Peace, 2nd Ed.
by Maria Cristina Azcona
Review by Dr Panagiotis (Takis) D. Ioannides
“Strategies for Peace” is the title that inspired Maria Christina Azcona for her new book, and invited us as authors to assist the modern adventure of humanity to respond to the moral grandeur of Global Peace. She dreamed of a book to help and equip people trapped in frustration, with the education of the human spirit. And I mean a configuration of that which exists within every human being, placed as a spiritual being at the highest point of his creativity. Mainly the awakening of man's ability to question what is going on around him, but also his actions, or inactions. I mean the message that was engraved on the marble of the Temple of Delphi in Ancient Greece, “Know Yourself.” This is a guiding process, free of any burden of purpose, because the human consciousness and the spirit can only operate in the area of freedom, and Democracy, the form of government with the system of equality, of equality of rights and justice. The authors of the book come from different countries, traditions and cultures. They all have high value and prestige, and work together in harmony leading to the core of the problems, for the predominance of Peace. The authors have presented in this book their spiritual quality, suggestions of solutions, to strengthen the moral endurance, the sharpness and the intellectual dynamism of mankind. This is because they do feel the responsibility of calling history to show with works and faith that their proposed solutions exist and are real and feasible, capable to make evil as a bad memory of the past. This book managed to make the different cultures to act and operate as a harmonious team. This is the dream for humanity to operate like a harmonious choir of love. I want to thank Maria Christina Azcona for her confidence in me, and Bruce Lawrence Cook for the scientific editing of the publication and all co-authors, fellow peacemakers.
Dr Panagiotis (Takis) D. Ioannides, co-author of the book.